All Chief Postmasters General,

Sub: Password Policy-Setting Complex Passwords-Reg.

This is in continuation of this office letter no 29-34/2012-LI(Vol-ii) dated 02-Aug-2016 regarding setting of complex passwords for accessing McCamish by the users to enhance/ensure security and to avoid any similarity of passwords with that of any other user.

2. In addition to the instruction circulated earlier further following aspects should be scrupulously following while setting password: -

i) In case, a new user id is required to be created for McCamish, It is Mandatory to create the same user id which has been provided by the CSI Active Directory for that particular user.

ii) Further, all details like date of birth, mobile number, email ID etc. required to be entered in the system for creation of user id should be of the user concerned and users concerned will have to furnish correct information to the System Administrator in writing under their signature for the purpose. If the same is found to be wrong, users concerned will be held responsible for furnishing wrong information.

iii) User IDs should be created only for users performing PLI/RPLI work. The users who have been transferred and no more related to PLI/RPLI work their ids should be de-activated immediately by the System Administrator concerned.

The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged.

(Ajay Kumar Roy)

General Manager PLI(O)

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